What Do You Want?

Because it’s Labor Day weekend and week, Cowardly Leadership-Up Close and Personal is taking today off.  However, you, dear reader, still have homework.

What Do You Want?

The Big 5-0.  This is the fiftieth post of the year.  We have written about a wide range of subjects- abdicating your leadership responsibilities, the lack of teamwork in a cowardly leadership setting, military leadership examples, various ways of identifying cowardly leaders, and many others.

It’s time to hear from you.  What do you want to read, learn, discuss?

Remember that the original premise of this is cowardly leadership at the local level- the next door neighbor who is an elected official in your town.  Or, the lady you go to church with who is an appointed know-it-all due to her…well…appointment.  In other words, the “I was appointed to this position, therefore I’m an expert” philosophy.  These are the people who affect all of us on a daily basis, often multiple times daily.  Right now, the country is so focused on what is going on-or not going on-in Washington, D.C. that we forget that most government is outside our door.  As former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill famously said, “All politics is local.”

So, with that in mind, what would you like to see in upcoming posts?

If you have suffered (and who hasn’t?) from a cowardly leader and his/her decisions, please share.  Maybe you have said to yourself, “why doesn’t he write about x.”  If so, throw it out there and I’ll try and include it.

What I Want

In addition to hearing ideas from you, here is what I want:

  • Share Cowardly Leadership with friends and colleagues and especially co-workers.  Spread the love.
  • Make a calendar appointment to look for it every Tuesday morning.
  • Like us on Facebook
  • Go to cowardlyleadership.com and re-read those posts you may have missed, or may want to re-visit.  We are at the 50 mark so there has to be something out there worth re-reading.
  • If you know cowardly leaders and you see a post that fits, make a copy and send it to them.  Maybe it will open their eyes.  Cowardly Leaders generally fall into one of two categories:  One is “I don’t give a f*&# what you think” and the other is, “That can’t possibly be about me.”  You can’t do anything about the first group, but possibly you could open the eyes of the second group.
  • Finally, COMMENT.  If you like something, say so.  If you don’t, say so.

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend.  Cowardly Leadership will be back next Tuesday- hopefully with a topic that YOU- gentle reader- have suggested.  In the meantime, I look forward to hearing from you.


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