Cowardly Leadership is Now in Recess

I wasn't sure what to call this.  It's not the "End."  It's not a hiatus.  It may or may not be an intermission. Maybe, in legal terminology, it's a recess.  Therefore... Cowardly Leadership is Now in Recess Embed from Getty Images I've been point blank, face-to-face lied to by elected politicians. When I was asked if I would be interested in a senior position, I said, "Sure, but the City Manager is too insecure to hire someone with my background." "We will never let that happen."   Yeah, right. I was released from a position one week after the Mayor's election.  The political appointee I reported to gave no reason, other than "We are going in another direction."  No evaluation, no disciplinary action, no counseling, no feedback of any kind.  The…
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An Elegy for Crash

Today's Cowardly Leadership has nothing to do with the traditional topics of cowardly leadership. It's about a dog. Although I'd follow him about anywhere, and he led us around quite a bit. If you like dogs, I think you'll appreciate it. Follow the link below for An Elegy for Crash   III-15
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