Power of Cowardly Leadership

Happy New Year!  Only 355 more days until Christmas…

I just read a Steven Pressfield blog entitled The Power of Negative Thinking (which is here if you’re interested).  The Power of Negative Thinking made me think (hah) about the Power of Cowardly Leadership.

Since this is the first Cowardly Leadership-Up Close and Personal of 2017, I decided to take a different direction than I was going to originally.

One of the reasons- the main reason, actually- I wanted to do this (and just like with most things in life, this is a hell of a lot more work and time than I had anticipated- I’m not complaining, I’m just saying it’s not a 20-minute per day thing, either) was because almost everything I’ve ever read has been on positive leadership.

Here is a sampling of leadership book titles in my bookcase:  Good to Great, Great by Choice, American Lion- Andrew Jackson in the White House, Love ‘em and Lead ‘em, EntreLeadership, Leadership in Action, The Leaders Code, The One Thing You Need to Know-about great management, great leadership, and sustained personal success (which is one of my favorites).  That’s not all, but you get the idea.  The point isn’t to brag about my bookcase, it’s to point out that all of these are positive points of view!  Why this leader or leadership style, or this company was great (Good to Great and Great by Choice especially).

Steven Pressfield realizes there is power in negative thinking, and I think there is Power in Cowardly Leadership.  And sometimes it’s good to inform and educate using what not to do.

Cowardly Leadership?  Isn’t That an Oxymoron?

Not really.  Just as there is most definitely power in negative thinking, there are cowardly leaders.  People who are in positions of authority, and who pretend to lead.  They delegate power to others- to others who were not elected, or selected, to that position.  These are Cowardly Leaders.

There are people who abuse the power they have in a position, and overreach, or feel they can dictate because they either have power, or were given power by a cowardly leader.  These are Cowardly Leaders.

There are people who refuse to set standards, refuse to set deadlines and outline consequences and/or hold employees accountable because they don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.  These are Cowardly Leaders.

Delegation.  Abuse of power.  Accountability.  All worthy topics of future blogs so stay tuned.

Look In The Mirror

Cowardly Leaders, particularly those in the local government arena, where I’ve spent the great majority of my career, will continue to be the focus.  I want you- and me, always me if no one else- to look in the mirror every day and ask, “Am I setting a higher standard for myself than my workplace does?  Am I setting a higher standard for myself than the standards I set for those who work for me?”  If the answer is yes, then most likely you are not a Cowardly Leader.  Therefore, read easy!   Enjoy these with a clear conscience!

But You’re Picking on People!

No I’m not.  Go back and read what I wrote, if you really believe that.  I have not mentioned one name, or even one place.  I don’t intend to.  I’ve used examples I’ve experienced personally, or witnessed personally.  I’m sure I will get to a point where I will start using other well-known examples of cowardly leadership, but so far, it’s been personal experience.  I’ve worked in a fair share of local government environments, and for and with a fair share of government officials, so I have a fair share of examples.

If someone is writing an article, and they describe a slender, dark-haired, well-dressed man who is an excellent singer, it would never cross my mind the author could be describing me!  They could even say it’s a writer, or consultant, or experienced government official.  I’d still never make any connection with myself.

However, if someone is describing an exceedingly handsome (!), slightly overweight, prematurely gray man who is a terrible singer, then I would at least take notice.  There are a lot of similarities there…could it be….nah….well, maybe….  What else might be similar???

If you’ve been reading these posts, and think to yourself, “Are there people really like that?” or “Wow, I know someone exactly like that”, then you probably shouldn’t worry about if you are a cowardly leader.

On the other hand, do you think, “Why is he picking on me?  Making fun of me? Using me as an example?”

Does it ring true?  Do you identify with it?  If so, I’d suggest doing the Look In the Mirror exercise I mention above.

Final thought as we kick off 2017:  Everything I write is true, and will be true.  I have experienced or witnessed these examples.  I will let you know I’m using an example or a composite if I do.  Many years ago I made an ethical promise to myself that I would never lie to my boss, my staff, or the media.  You, the reader, are my boss, sorta-kinda, and this is media.

I wrote the following in my first blog before the WordPress page was put together.  It’s on Facebook if you want to read it:

This blog isn’t about politics.  Cowardly leaders reside on both sides of the aisle.  It will be about character, follow-through, loyalty, keeping your word, honesty, transparency.

Or not. The “not” is where the cowardly leaders reside.


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