The Emperor Has No Clothes

Hans Christian Andersen’s children’s tale from centuries ago remains relevant, maybe more so today than at any time in recent memory.  The Emperor Has No Clothes, as you remember (back when you were paying  attention in kindergarten), is about a gullible, foolish King.  He bought from two swindlers “clothes” that were so light and magical that only those who were stupid and incompetent could not “see” them.

Therefore, the King, and everyone around him (not wanting to appear stupid and incompetent), marveled at the clothes.  Obviously I see them! I am not stupid or incompetent!  And the King is worthy of being in his position or he wouldn’t be in his position.  So OBVIOUSLY he can see them, and if he can see them, I can see them.  What, you can’t see how beautiful they are?   And doesn’t he look magnificent as he strolls down the street!  Let us follow, for he is obviously wiser than we.

Until, (out of the mouths of babes, as it were), a child cries out, “But the Emperor has no clothes!”

Cowardly Leadership Without Clothes

Who is a present-day Emperor Without Clothes?  We see and read of examples almost daily.  The cowardly leader who believes his press clippings.  The elected official who only listens to the yes men and women she surrounds herself with.  The county commissioner who refuses to acknowledge the criticisms.  The mayor who ignores the ever-growing restlessness from the constituents who wonder when the hard decisions will happen.  The school board member who only talks to the media about the vanilla, safe, issues.

Too many elected leaders and local officials-LOCAL officials- consciously (yes, consciously) decide that their only source of feedback will be positive feedback.  They only want to hear from those that support their positions.  Backslappers?  Come on down!  Likers on Facebook?  Of course, you’re obviously smart and competent! Strokers of ego?  You’re on the team!  If you can’t see the beautiful, light and magical clothes, then of course you aren’t worthy.

As discussed in multiple  Cowardly Leadership blogs previously (Here), cowardly leaders view dissension as disloyalty.  Once again quoting Professor Lindren Greer of the Stanford Business School:  “Debate and dissent are essential to reaching any thoughtful outcome, (otherwise), you end up with groupthink, an echo chamber where people only say what they think the person in charge wants to hear.”

And when the Emperor Has No Clothes, he gets, “You look magnificent in your royal gown, Emperor, because after all, that is what you want to hear.”

Cowardly leaders, regardless of their position, exhibit remarkably similar traits.  Cowardly elected leaders and appointed officials in governments of any size all have this in common:  FEAR.  Fear of failure, fear of criticism, fear of being perceived as stupid and incompetent.  They are more concerned with what looks good than what is good (and therefore the royal garment only the most enlightened can “see”).  If they were to listen to and accept criticism, they of course lower themselves to the level of the ignorant child in the street who shouts, “but he has no clothes.”

The Loyal Subjects

So what role do we play?  The mere underlings, commoners in the street who wave flags as the procession passes by?  Do we simply vote, then stand by and do nothing but praise?

We have two choices.  (There are always two choices.  At least).  We line the street and shout, louder than those on either side so we can be heard.  And, with luck, we will be recognized by the Emperor (And who knows, maybe even invited into the inner circle???).

Or with the wisdom of a child, without malice but with conviction, we choose to speak the obvious.  To speak truth to power.  And hold the “Emperor”, every single one, wherever they may be, whatever position they hold, accountable:

“You, sir, have no clothes.”



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