
Cowardly Leadership focuses on the negative traits pretend leaders possess.  Unfortunately, we can overlook one of the most important attributes that Real Leaders almost universally possess:  They are decent human beings.  Real Leaders look out for their employees’ welfare.  They care about what is going on in the lives of their colleagues, and they practice them with respect.  Simple stuff.

The most important quote in Commander Duffy’s article was:

“I learned more about leadership from a stranger whom I encountered for only a few seconds than I did from my first commanding officer, with whom I served a full year.”

What separated the two men, of course, was decency.  One gained satisfaction from trying to humiliate a young officer in front of others; the other saw that officer as someone worth encouraging through a bad situation.

What Real Leaders Do

Cowardly Leaders supervise from a position of power.  They look for opportunities to remind their subordinates (as if the subordinates didn’t already know) that they are in charge.  You can read more about that here- I call it Facade Leadership.  

Real Leaders look for opportunities to mentor.  They enjoy helping the people they supervise, or command.  They realize that the true mark of a Real Leader, more than any other characteristic, is how well they can develop the people they supervise.  In other words, Are You Good Enough to Train Someone to Replace Yourself?

That requires not just being an excellent teacher, trainer, communicator, and expert at your job.  It also means being self-confident.  By developing and training subordinates, the organization becomes better, and by osmosis, the Leader’s job becomes easier.

Only decent human beings, and Leaders, can make it happen.