Cowardly Leaders are Experts



“Someone who carries a briefcase and lives more than 50 miles away.”

We have all heard the joke above.  The one describing people who are hired from the outside to assist a local government.  Unfortunately, the problem with the joke is that it trivializes someone that is brought in to solve a very important problem.  It trivializes an actual expert.

The flip side of that coin is what happens when the expert doesn’t live 50 miles away.  What happens when the expert is local?  Too often, there are two sets of criteria.

Ignoring the Obvious

What makes local governmental officials conclude that only when they hire someone from the “outside”, i.e. from 50 miles away (with a briefcase) do they get an expert?  I don’t know, but I’ve seen it happen countless times. I mean- obviously it’s very common- we have jokes about it!

Here is part of the answer, I think:  Cowardly Leaders are “experts” (read all about that HERE).  They know more than the rest of us.  They were elected to their position, as if being elected comes with a brain transplant and instant expertise in all things local government.

Consider this:  Officials at the federal, and usually, at the state, levels of government have had experience- usually extensive experience- in government (President Trump being the lone outlier since at least GEN Eisenhower, (and you could argue being Supreme Allied Commander in World War II had some significant governmental-type leadership and organization challenges).  People elected to federal office usually have experience at the state level at least.  They were governors, or state, or even U.S. representatives.  They know how government works, how bills are passed, how lobbying affects policy.  Same thing at the state level.  Most state legislators were city council or county commission members, or school board members.  Usually they at least served on a local commission of some type!

BUT- local elected office is where politicians get started.  By definition, most have little to no local government experience.  Most voters understand and accept that.  I find it difficult, as do many others, to understand the gravitas that comes with:  “I was elected, so I am an expert!”


Familiarity Breeds Contempt

This well-known phrase means:  “Extensive knowledge of or close association with someone or something which leads to a loss of respect for them or it.”

Cowardly Leaders subscribe to this theory.  They too often have little respect for the expertise and opinions of those actual experts who happen to be local (and therefore may be well aware of the shortcomings of the elected and politically appointed officials).  They fear people with true expertise.  They often ignore leaders who previously served as elected officials, or were successful administrators in previous organizations.  Capable and credible experts are seen as threats.  Whereas true, courageous leaders invite and welcome expertise and knowledge from those who have a proven track record- ESPECIALLY local citizens who also know the community- cowardly leaders shun accepting advice from local experts.  Thus, an easy fix is to hire the “expert” from 50 miles away!

One way to gauge the effectiveness, but more importantly, the confidence and credibility, of local officials is to see how often and to what degree they practice inclusion regarding utilizing the expertise that lives (literally) in their back yards.



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