The Similarities in Mountain Climbing and Retirement Planning are Greater Than You Think

Many of my colleagues in the Parks and Recreation profession enjoy being outdoors (stands to reason, no?), and a great number of them are avid hikers, rock climbers, and a few dare to climb mountains- literally! Whether mountain climbing, rock climbing, whitewater rafting, para-sailing, or any number of other risky-but-exhilarating adventures, folks participate for the challenge, the thrill, the unknown of whether they can actually ascend the peak, shoot the rapids, or fly like a bird without crash landing. And mountain climbers will often say that the trip down the mountain is just as challenging, if not more so, than the journey up. What In The World Does That Have To Do With Retirement Planning? Mountain climbers spend significant time in preparation for the climb. They study the mountain, prepare…
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Retirement Planning: I Wish I Would Have Known All of This a Long Time Ago

I'm reading a fascinating book by Dr. Scott Galloway, Professor of Marketing at NYU's School Stern of Business. Galloway hosts two podcasts, and a few years ago was named one of the world's 50 best business school professors. He was also a successful (and at times unsuccessful, which is part of why the book is fascinating) entrepreneur. About once a page I'll read something and say to myself, "Yep, I wish I'd known that too." It isn't really a book about Retirement Planning per se, although much of his wisdom certainly pertains to that topic. Therefore, I thought it would be worthwhile sharing some of what I think are the highlights so far, and I'm only about two-thirds finished. Who The Book Is Written For Early in the book, Dr.…
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