What’s Next?

I’ve been doing this for a few months, and wanted to detour and ask a question:

What’s Next?

What do you think should come next in the Cowardly Leadership-Up Close and Personal series of leadership blogs?

What are themes, or pet peeves, or examples you’ve seen, that would be good subjects for Cowardly Leadership?  Are there people in positions of leadership who don’t lead that would be of interest to share with other readers?

If you’ve been reading these blogs, you know that I quote a lot of people who have good thoughts on leadership.  I’m happy to do so, in fact, it’s imperative that I do so.  First, any writer knows to recognize the source.  Second, the more smart people I use as examples, the more credibility these have.  Much of what I write isn’t just my opinion, although much of it is.  Whenever possible, I use opinions of nationally recognized and published experts.  Many times, they confirm and expound on what I already believe, so it just gives me more ammunition.  Sometimes, I get a different perspective.  That’s why most people write, I think- at least those that aren’t simply preaching a party line of some kind- to learn along with sharing ideas and thoughts.  I know I’ve learned a lot by reading and researching as I’ve published these every Tuesday and Friday.

Your Role

What’s Next is where you come in.  Experts come in all forms.  I firmly believe it is a myth to assume that published and “famous” writers are the only experts.  The real experts are those that have experienced cowardly leadership, live with it at work, and can speak to specific illustrations and case examples.  So, if you feel comfortable sharing experiences that you’ve witnessed, I’d love to read them.  And share them, if you’re ok with it.  I’ll give credit if you are ok with it, but won’t if you aren’t.  Non-attribution is very important to me, so getting the message out is a lot more important than naming names.  The lesson is what is important.  The contact form is below.  You can also use my email:  cowardlyleadership@outlook.com.

A final note:  If you enjoy these, like the page on Facebook and like  (love even) the posts as they come out.  Or don’t like them.  Use the sad face or angry face.  Share them with your friends.  Share them with your colleagues at work.  The more hits these get, the more the blog can grow.

Spreading the Cowardly Leadership love helps everyone (“Spreading the Cowardly Leadership love” really doesn’t make much sense, actually, but you get the idea).   I am really looking forward to hearing from you.



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