Cowardly Leadership and…Eggs

If you are a regular reader of Cowardly Leadership-Up Close and Personal, you know that I usually reference another post by a recognized Leader:  Simon Sinek, or Gen David Petraeus, or Secretary of Defense James Mattis, or even investor James Altucher. This week, these are my analogies and my metaphors.  I’m taking full ownership of eggs. [caption id="attachment_641" align="aligncenter" width="391"] Untapped Potential[/caption] EGGS You remember how Forest Gump kept repeating, “Life is like a box of chocolates?” Imagine a chef with a carton of eggs.  What that Chef does with those eggs depends, to a great degree, on how creative, innovative, safe, or conservative he or she is.  He can keep them in the carton, put them away and ensure that nothing changes.  Or, he can make the decision to…
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Do You Work For a Cowardly Leader?

Aren’t sure if you do? Have always worked for your current employer and therefore don’t have a frame of reference to use? Have worked for multiple employers and all of them treated you the same- and, therefore- you don’t know if that is good? Or bad? How Do You Know If You Work For a cowardly leader? That is why Cowardly Leadership-Up Close and Personal is here! So as we kick off 2018, let’s determine if you, in fact, work for a cowardly leader. I’ve been fortunate enough to work in a variety of environments, and in only two cases did I work for a cowardly leader. In both of those, it was a miserable experience. Working for a coward ensures that you will be micro-managed and sacrificed for the…
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