Leadership and the 20% Rule
In a previous Cowardly Leadership post, I talked about the "80-20 Rule," also known as The Pareto Principle. Simply put, The Pareto Principle (named after Italian Economist Vilfredo Pareto) is also called "The Law of the Vital Few," and says that 80% of the effects typically come from 20% of the causes. Great Leadership focuses on that 20%. [caption id="attachment_713" align="alignnone" width="300"] Pareto-principle 80-20 rule[/caption] It is used often in referring to people in positions of effectiveness- 80% of the work comes from 20% of the people. Or 80% of the profits come from 20% of the products. And many more examples. I Had A Dream A few nights ago, I had a dream that deals with the Pareto Principle in a unique manner. It's pertinent to share it as an example of Real Leadership.…